To makes easy the understanding of the material that the teacher gives. There are steps that we must prepare;
- The right desire
The function of the desire is foundation of the emotional center. The emotional center is a motivator for all of the activity that will be done. If the desire is right, the desire to looking for knowledge, therefore god willing “Insya Allah” every thing that we do become to looking for knowledge.
- Concentration
Allah makes five sense for the human will not maximal to use, if it is heterogeneous. For example; The eye looks at the explanation of the teacher, the mouth chats with other friends. The hand draws graffiti, the ear listens the music. Therefore the material that is given by the teacher will no more of 20 %.
That is deference if the five senses are used to one thing that is focuses on the material. Therefore the material is as difficult as the teacher gives material will be undersold by the students.
- Make the class condition calmly
A friend of the prophet Muhammad SAW, Abu Hurairoh is a good illustration in this case. He divides the night to be three times. The first One third of the night he uses to sleep. The second One thirds he uses to memorize the hadizt, the one third other is used to pray in the midnight. He uses study time in the second one third to looking for the composure and quietness.
Finally, he is the best memorize the hadizt than other.
- Do not make your brain thinks pornography
Take the experiences from the person who memorizes the Qur’an. They never let their brain to thing the pornography. According to them, if they thing the pornography, even they do that. A half of their memory will be lost. So, to easy remembering, do not ever let our brain is completed by pornography.